Industry 4.0 is leading to fully automated and interconnected industrial production. The new digital technologies will have a profound impact in the context of four development guidelines:
1.use of data, computing power and connectivity: it is expressed in big data, open data, Internet of Things, machine-to-machine and cloud computing for the centralization of information and its storage.
2. analytics: once the data has been collected, it must be processed to obtain value. Today only 1% of the data collected is used by companies, which could instead obtain benefits starting from" machine learning".
3. man-machine interaction: it involves "touch" interfaces, increasingly widespread, and augmented reality.
4. transformation from digital to "real" : includes additive manufacturing, 3D printing, robotics, communications, machine-to-machine interactions and new technologies to store and use energy in a targeted way, rationalizing costs and optimizing performance.